Monday, March 9, 2009

What is a Structured Settlement?

There are a lot of ads on television these days for companies that want to purchase structured settlements. But the question remains in the minds of many persons as to exactly what constitutes a structured settlement. Here are a couple of things about this type of settlement that you may find interesting.

A settlement that is structured is a way of settling a civil issue where one party has been wronged in some manner and is seeking compensation. Accidents and medical procedures that went awry are two examples. By extending a settlement, the accused party does not admit to wrongdoing, but manages to avoid court costs and works out an amount that is agreeable to both parties. Along with the total worth of the settlement, there may also be some conditions imposed as part of the agreement. The conditions may include a covenant between both parties that the terms of the settlement will not be divulged to a third party, or that the settlement is considered to be paid in full upon the death of the recipient.

One vital component of the structured settlement is the terms of payment. In some cases, the settlement may call for one lump payment. More often, the settlement may be divided into regularly scheduled payments. The schedule may call for monthly, semi-annual, or annual payments until the settlement amount is completely disbursed. If at all possible, it is a good idea to negotiate the frequency of the settlement so that the recipient can get the most benefit.

There are a number of arbitration services that can explain the inner workings of a structured settlement in great detail. In addition, there are a number of web sites that discuss settlement options, procedures, and other relevant matters that would be of interest to anyone who faces involvement in some manner with a settlement situation. If you are faced with the potential of being involved in some sort of settlement, make sure you know what can happen and understand what you need in order for the settlement to be in your best interests.

Mayoor Patel is the writer for the website Please visit for information on all things concerned with Structured Settlement

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