Is a structured settlement right for you? You might find yourself re-considering this option. Remember, the structured settlement will be paid over a course of time in several installment payments equalling the whole. This can be good or bad, depending on your personal needs. It's looked upon as a secure and safe way to budget your funds properly, eliminating the chance of accidental overspending. It's also important to note that structured settlements are tax-free. All payments made via a structured settlement are nontaxable by federal tax guidelines (IRS Section 104(a)(2). 100% of every payment is tax exempt. |
However, it's possible to sell structured settlements, and people do this all the time. There are firms that buy structured settlements and you have the option to sell to them. This provides you with a large one lump sum payment rather than the installment payments you would be locked into with your structured settlement.
There are some very trustworthy firms that will buy your structured settlement, J.G. Wentworth The Leading Purchaser of Structured Settlement and Annuity Payments are among the top of the list. They are one of the leaders in the business with 15+ years experience purchasing more than $2 billion of future payments, including structured settlements and annuities, from over 50,000 customers.
Another firm to consider would is Patriot Settlement. They go the extra mile in helping people obtain a large lump sum of cash now for their future payments from a Structured Settlement, Annuity or Lottery award.
Novation is a direct buyer of structured settlements. They provide cash now, in a lump sum, for people who are receiving payments over time, but need their money now.
You can get your free consultation at American Financial, it might be the best place to start if you're undecided.
Choosing the right specialty finance company to work with is an important decision, and many people do not know where to turn for advice. The Structured Settlement Alliance is designed to help you get the most money for your structured settlements and annuity payments. The SSA helps to make this process easy for you by matching you with the best possible financial institution to handle your settlement, and letting you decide how to proceed -- putting the control where it should be, in your hands.
Annuity Purchases offers a free quote as well. Their programs can help convert your long-term income from an annuity into cash that you can use today. While annuities serve an important role and often meet the payees' needs as originally planned, they are inflexible and incapable of resolving unplanned, immediate financial needs.
Another firm worth mentioning is Settlement Funding. Fill out their short form, and receive immediate quotes from top structured settlement funding companies, as well as free information on structured settlements, settlement selling tips, and your rights as a structured settlement owner. To get cash now for your structured settlement or annuity payments, explore these respected firms for yourself and decide which is best for you.
Remember: Under a structured settlement, an injured victim doesn't receive compensation for his or her injuries in one lump sum. They will receive a stream of tax-free payments tailored to meet future medical expenses and basic living needs. A structured settlement may be agreed to privately (for example, in a pre-trial settlement) or it may be required by a court order, which often happens in judgments involving minors and incapacitated adults.
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